
UDK: 69.009.182:642.72+699.844
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 55 (2003) 6
Paper type: Subject review
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Review of European regulations related to road traffic noise

Stjepan Lakušić, Vesna Dragčević, Tatjana Rukavina


European regulations related to road traffic noise, which is the greatest source of traffic noise, are presented. Noise calculation methods most frequently used in European countries are examined. Authors analyze the possibility of using such methods in Croatia where attempts are currently made to harmonize national regulations with European recommendations. European Union guidelines for harmonization of existing noise level calculation methods, issued to foster establisment of an uniform European method, are also presented.

calculation method, European Union guidelines, road traffic, noise level, regulations, sound wave propagation


Lakušić, S., Dragčević, V., Rukavina, T.: Review of European regulations related to road traffic noise, GRAĐEVINAR, 55 (2003) 6


Lakušić, S., Dragčević, V., Rukavina, T. (2003). Review of European regulations related to road traffic noise, GRAĐEVINAR, 55 (6)
Lakusic Stjepan
Stjepan Lakušić
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering,
Department for Transportation Engineering
Dragcevic WEB
Vesna Dragčević
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Department of Transportation Engineering

Tatjana Rukavina
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering,
Department of Transportation Engineering